Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Off and On

I think I've already mentioned that I'm one of those people who in my personal life has trouble following through with extra-curricular activites. Either I allow work to invade my free time, or I just get lazy because my free time becomes very limited.

Fitness is one of the things I've tried the most number of times off and on. I've joined numerous gyms, gone jogging in the park, and even a dance class. Unfortunately none of these manages to last more than a few months...!

However, I don't give up easily either! I'm now embarking on yet another gym, although this one is of a different nature then normal. It's called Contours International and is a womens only gym. You can't do the normal routine here, in fact they have a very specialized circuit. There are about 10 machines spread out in a circle with bouncy mats between each.

The bouncy mats are for different aerobics routines. Each station is meant to be done for only 45 seconds, and then you "Change Station", as the lovely women in the music says.

When I first was doubtful about this, the trainer told me that, aside from the fact that your body needs a good mix of aerobic acivity along with the machines, the main thing is that since you do one exercise only for 45 seconds, your focus and intensity is very high.

Before and after the circuit of course, its important to stretch and do some warm-ups and cool downs. But generally, I'm quite excited by the concept. The time really flies when you're doing the circuit, and my currently sore muscles are telling me that it must be atleast somewhat effective! This is my extra add-on for the week and I'm hoping I manage to make this a routine. In the meantime I'll try to research a little on the benefits of this kind of routine vs the normal gym workout, or just running in the park!

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