Friday, November 21, 2008

The weekend!

It's already saturday and I have no idea how the week has flown by. So many things not accomplished and now I've got all my errands piled up for Sunday. Wouldnt it be nice if everything was 24 hours? If i could buy groceries at 11pm or send couriers or get my car battery fixed at any time. Nowadays the only time to myself is early mornings..but theres not a single store open then which is unfortunate. I could do all my shopping then and go see movies then or at least make sure i have no work to interrupt my blissful sunday!!
I'm waiting for the day when I can enjoy a loong sunday brunch without thinking about things to do that day! Well lets see what happens tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bangalore LIfestyle

I had a very interesting conversation with someone the other day. If you're from Bangalore I'm sure you know how much things have changed in the last few years. The city used to be known for its vibrant nightlife, greenery, and pleasant weather. SlowlyI see each of these eroding. The nightlife has been cut off at the feet thanks to our 11:30 deadline, and you know whats the strangest part, I'm now so used to it that I kind of like it. Now I never have to worry about going out on a weekday because no matter how great the party is i'll be asleep in bed by 1230 and still fresh for work the next morning. Every once in a while when I need a good venting I take off to some nice place and party hard there. Sigh..its amazing what one can get used to! I suppose its also reflective of the resilient nature we all have inherently. I won't deny that I wouldnt be happy however if there was a change in the deadline! especially as new years approaches and it seems like i wont be able to make it out of town!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Astral Projection

So during my last post, I think I very briefly mentioned my new job. So i'm a little more settled in now and have been doing a variety of marketing related work which I'm sure I'll detail a little later on. Right now we're trying something new on a somewhat experimental basis. We're selling online tickets to Astral Projection live in Bangalore. From one point of view its great because it can often really be a nuisance to go pick up tickets manually and in this case u just have to type in so its totally hassle free! Let's see what kind of response we get, and if it goes well we'll probably start selling tickets for more events. There will be a food court at the event also so we're hoping to make our presence felt there as well. Things are still under discussion but will let you know what to expect! Thats it for now as I must actually do some work. Hopefully my posts get more detailed as time goes by!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm back!

Yes, its only been about a day and I'm already ready to share more. So today is my third day at my new job.
It's a very exciting company that is revolutionizing online ordering here in Bangalore. They have all my favorite restaurants, as well as hundreds of others. Within about 3 clicks I can order my food, book tables, or plan a party online, without ever having to pick up the phone! I always hated talking to restaurants cos they never seemed to understand all my problems are solved..woohoo!
So anyway, I'm the new Business Development Manager...sounds fancy huh? well its not really...i'm still to figure out what all my role encompasses but I suppose thats true of any new job. What's great however is the atmosphere. It's basically a startup so theres a lot of energy to make sure everything goes well.
Um ok, i'm tired of writing now.
To be continued!...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Enter the Blogger in Me

So today is my first attempt to blog. Although I've often written in a diary when I was younger, it feels much stranger to be sharing your day to day comings and thoughts with about a billion others. But hey, who am i to cut it without trying it!
So welcome me to the world and lets see how many times I can come up with something mindblowing..ok interesting...ok just about anything to blog about!