Thursday, February 26, 2009

Heat of Summer?

It's only february - or soon to be march - and Bangalore is boiling. My lovely hometown known for its pleasant weather and greenery is causing groans everywhere for people in a city not used to wanting an AC or much shorter clothing. If I spend even 5 minutes outside and come back I feel hot the rest of the day. You cant drink 5 litres of water and still be thirsty. Showering 2-3 times a day doesnt help unless you stay inside afterwards. Luckily we still have no humidity so that makes many things better. If you stay in the shade or indoors as much as possible you can escape the great white heat.

I just had an amazing fresh lime soda with chat masala at Bharatyam (or something that sounded like that) in the HSR Layout BDA complex. If only there were more such drinks or places to refresh you! This was the ultimate refreshment for the summer heat. You know how in all those cartoons you see little kids selling lemonade for 5 cents from a table in the middle of summer? Well now I know how much sense it makes! Maybe I should do the same. Lots of scope.

Lately I've not been having the healthiest of lunches. I'm finding it harder and harder to find a decent daily lunch provider. I was quite happily initially with a small place that used to deliver meals every day - that is until my colleague found a cockroach in the sabzi. Since then things have gone for a toss. I've tried every other eating option around and although they're ok for a "once in a while" kind of thing, nothing is light or good enough for a daily basis!
How many people must face this problem? We eat bad and we eat wrong for our health while knowing it consciously - eeeee!

Such is our lifestyle - anyhow - this has not been a very exciting post. Let me go ponder some nice topics while I melt away in the heat...

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